Kunci Balasan Text Structure Task 1 Chapter 8 Hal 114 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10

Admin October 26, 2021
MY IDOL di halaman 110-111.


Very often you need to tell other people about something that has happened in your life. You may have to tell about what you did yesterday. Speaking or writing about past event is called a recount. Recounts are told orientation, a series of events, and reorientation
Seringkali Anda perlu menginformasikan orang lain wacana sesuatu yang sudah terjadi dalam hidup Anda. Anda mungkin mesti menceritakan wacana apa yang Anda lakukan kemarin. Berbicara atau menulis wacana tragedi periode kemudian disebut suatu recount. Recount menceritakan wacana orientasi, rangkaian kejadian, dan reorientasi

Task 1:
Answer the questions below about the text on page 96
Tugas 1: Jawab pertanyaan di bawah wacana teks pada halaman 96

NOTE: Perintah soal di buku keliru. ditulis halaman 96, harusnya halaman 110-111

1. Who were involved in the event?
2. When and where did the event happen?
3. How were the events in the text arranged? 
4. Write the sequence of the events in the text!
5. Was there any conclusion/evaluation of the story?


  1. The writer, Afgan, Fans.
  2. In the past when there was a concert; in a local auditorium in the town.
  3. Based on the order the events happened.
  4. On that bright and sunny Saturday morning, the radio station was full of Afganisme (that’s how Afgan’s fans are called). They sat on the chairs prepared inside the radio station’s lobby. Some stood in rows in the front yard of the radio station. A spot inside a lobby was prepared with a mini stage for Afgan’s singing performance and a table for Afgan to sign Afganisme’s memorabilia. Finally, after about 40 or 50 minutes wait, Afgan showed up from inside the radio station. He smiled and waved to all Afganisme who had been waiting excitedly saying, “Good morning. How are you all?”. The crowd went crazy, the shouts sounded like a mix of “Fine, thank you” and screams of Afgan’s name.
    Then, he started the event by singing his hit single “Dia beliau dia”. Afganisme went even crazier, they sang along with him throughout the song. Of course, I did too. I couldn’t take my eyes off this amazing singer who had released three albums. When he finished with the song, the host announced that it was time for autographing the memorabilia. I prepared my CDs and began to stand in the line. When I arrived at the table, I was speechless. It was unreal just seeing him that close. I thought it was really cool seeing him like that because he really just felt like a wajar person, which was awesome. He asked my name so that he could write it on the CD to say “To Mia, Love Afgan”. He was also very friendly, so I didn’t feel too gugup when I had a chance to take pictures with him.
  5. Yes, there was. The conclusion is "He was just an amazing person. And it was the best day ever!"

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