Chapter 14 Task 1 Grammar Exercise Halaman 189 (Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris)

Admin October 18, 2021
RxzNqFSYrVAcjNAWOKaPewZUOEWtNeDSACLcBGAsYHQ Chapter 14 Task 1 Grammar Exercise Halaman 189 (Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris)
- Di buku bahasa Inggris kelas 10 hal 189 terdapat soal yang berniat untuk menguji pemahan kau perihal Past Perfect Tense yang diterangkan pada halaman sebelumnya 188. Past Perfect Tense secara singkat sanggup diartikan selaku "kalimat yang menceritakan perihal adanya suatu insiden di masa lalu, sebelum insiden selanjutnya terjadi"

Contoh kalimat Past Perfect Tense:
* I had met the beautiful girl before I came to this city.
* Saya telah bertemu gadis manis sebelum aku tiba ke kota ini.

Jadi, ciri-ciri Past Perfect Tense "sering kali" ditandai dengan rujukan Had Verb3 + before / because.


Task 2:
Grammar Exercise
Tugas 2: Latihan tata bahasa

Read the following sentences and change the bracketed verbs into correct forms.
Bacalah kalimat berikut dan ubah kata kerja dalam tanda kurung menjadi bentuk yang benar.
  1. My plane landed at 8 pm yesterday. I ________________ (ask) the hotel staff to pick me up at the airport.
  2. John ________________ (repair) many cars before he received his mechanic’s license.
  3. She ________________ (never see) jackfruit before she came to Indonesia.
  4. Marie _____________ (feel) bad about selling her car because she _________________ ( own) it for ten years.
  5. We ____________________ (understand) the movie because we ________________ (read) the book about it.
  6. Kamal ___________________ (study) about Germany before he _______________ (go) there for his university education.
  7. I did not have any money to buy food because I __________(loose) my wallet.
  8. Ahmad ______________ (never be) to Mecca before last week trip to Masjidil Haram.
  9. We could not get a hotel room last night because we ____________(not book) in advance.
  10. We were not welcome by the family because we _____________(not make) a telephone call telling them that we would come last night.


1. My plane landed at 8 pm yesterday. I had asked the hotel personnel to pick me up at the airport.
1. Pesawat aku mendarat jam 8 malam kemarin. Saya telah meminta petugas hotel untuk menjemput aku di bandara.

2. John had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic’s license.
2. John telah memperbaiki banyak kendaraan beroda empat sebelum ia mendapatkan lisensi mekaniknya.

3. She had never seen Jackfruit before she came to Indonesia.
3. Dia belum pernah melihat Nangka sebelum ia tiba ke Indonesia.

4. Marie felt bad about selling her car because she had owned it for ten years.
4. Marie merasa tidak yummy memasarkan mobilnya alasannya ia sudah memilikinya selama sepuluh tahun.

5. We understood the movie because we had read the book about it.
5. Kami memahami film tersebut alasannya kami sudah membaca buku tentangnya.

6. Kamal had studied about Germany before he went there for his university education.
6. Kamal telah belajar perihal Jerman sebelum ia pergi ke sana untuk pendidikan universitasnya.

7. I did not have any money to buy food because I had lost my wallet.
7. Saya tak punya duit untuk berbelanja makanan alasannya dompet aku hilang.

8. Ahmad had never been to Mecca before last week trip to Masjidil Haram.
8. Ahmad belum pernah ke Mekah sebelum ahad kemudian perjalanan ke Masjidil Haram.

9. We could not get a hotel room last night because we had not booked in advance.
9. Kami tidak sanggup mendapatkan kamar hotel tadi malam alasannya kami belum memesan sebelumnya.

10. We were not welcome by the family because we had not made a telephone call telling them that we would come last night.
10. Kami tidak diterima oleh keluarga alasannya kami tidak mengontak mereka bahwa kami akan tiba tadi malam. 

Selain pembahasan soal di atas, kalian juga sanggup mendapatkan pembahasan soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 yang lain dengan menekan ini 👉 PEMBAHASAN SOAL

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